[Scriptoris] Back scroll information request

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 11 16:20:19 PDT 2007

I have already answered the textual question, over on the Heralds'
list, so there's no need for anyone to do any more digging about

Take lots of photos of your work, folks.  I've had all of my
originals professionally photographed, with lots of detailed
close-ups, to augment my extensive design files.

--Serena, Blanc Gryffon Herald

--- Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Greetings Scribes, 
> Please take a look at the below request from Artemisia, if you have
> any knowledge of who the
> scribe is that created this Duchal scroll, please advise,
> specifically if there is a photo of the
> original at all. 
> I'm blind copying this to some of our scribes who were active back
> in 1984, and will review the
> Signet files for information on any commission.  
> Please remember to take photos or scans of your work!
> Many thanks, Hillary, Signet

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