[Scriptoris] Populace Vote - Scribes Competition at Coronation

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 2 15:21:37 PST 2007

At the upcoming Coronation event, on January 13th, will be held a **Scribes Populace Choice
Contest!! **  Ansteorra come VOTE on the best and brightest of Ansteorran scribal works, in a
populace choice contest.  

Scribes - Scrolls can be original or color copy, no older than two years, one scroll only. 
Documentation not required, but welcome.  Additional scrolls will be allowed for display on a
space available basis.   A book on Illuminations of the period will be the prize.  Scrolls can be
set up for display beginning 1 hour after the hall opens and can remain on display till closing
court.  The winner will be announced in the afternoon.  

For Coronation event details, check out: 

Cheers, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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