[Scriptoris] Scribal Wordfame - Bonwicke A&S Champ a Scribe!

Kimberly Langhans sarapenrose at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 11 10:37:42 PST 2007

I had the good fortune to attend this event, and must
note that although this was Lady Clairiandra's first
piece of illumination (a lovely image of Saint
Barbara), she had executed it on vellum that she
stretched and prepared herself, and used a quill pen
that she cut herself to ink in some of the decorative
flourishes. It was both inspirational and humbling to
see such a new artisan attempting such a complex

Clairiandra tells me she is interested in calligraphy,
too - I can't wait to see more work from this talented


--- Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hot of the presses from Bonwicke 12th night is the
> posting below from Baroness Oriana announcing
> the new Bonwicke Artisan.  Congrats to Lady
> Claririandra!  Vivat!!
> Cheers, Hillary, Signet
> Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 09:13:06 -0800 (PST)
> From: paula hanna <pippermint at sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: [Ansteorra] Twelfth Night Thanks
> To: bonwicke at yahoogroups.com, western region
> <western at ansteorra.org>,
> 	ansteorra <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>
> <snip>
> Thank you for those who participated in the day's
> competitions. To the 10 entrants in the
> A&S - and congratulations to Lady Clairiandra for
> her incredible illumination and
> acceptance of the title "Arts and Sciences
> Champion". <snip>
> Baroness Oriana, Bonwick Co-Steward

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