[Scriptoris] Sable Scroll requests

Estella Flather eflather at flash.net
Thu Jan 11 11:29:26 PST 2007

Greetings from Mistress Stella-
	After going over the Sable Scroll stuff, I have noted some items that are
in very short supply. If your groups want to paint charters or make insignia
here is a list of things that are needed.
The items that we are shortest on are:
Painted charters- Rising Stars, King's Archer, Golden Bridle, Sable Talon
and Arc d'Or.
Insignia- Golden lance garters (like the old Centurion garter, but with a
lance embroidered onto it instead of a Star), Arc d'Or bracers, Centurion
	There is a relatively good supply of other insignia and painted charters.
When making insignia double check the design so that, for example, the
Comets and Talons are facing the correct direction. I prefer that fieldless
badges, such as thistles, talons and comets when they are made with a
background be on a white or silver background. The crane is not fieldless,
it has a gold background. If you have any question you may check the
insignia blazons that are listed with the scroll texts on-line, or email me.
	Thanks for all your help!
	In service, HE Stella

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