[Scriptoris] Scribal Policies and Procedures

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 24 18:01:47 PDT 2007

Good question!
  I'm assuming you mean, how the charters are distributed as awards by the Sable Scroll?  
  As in which one's get used first and which are held back?  
  Yep, they get put in a big file, or rather a big plastic tub.   
  Charters are usually filed in separate large envelopes by award type (AoA, Thistle).  When the Crown sends the list down to Sable Scroll, who will go to the folder for say, 'Thistles' and flip through the set of scrolls and pick out a nice one.   Now, each Sable Scroll may do this differently, but this is what I've done in the office.   Mileage may vary.
  By Name:  I'll review the name. If it's a early period name format, the award I select (when possible) is usually an early period form, such as Celtic Knotwork or Romanesque.  If it's a late period name, I may select Bar and Ivy or Acanthus leaves.   If I have a clue as to country, I may go with French or Spanish style scroll.  So we sometimes try to match the scroll type to the personna - but not always.  
  By Gender: Another selection is based on colors.  If the person is male, I may select more masculine colors, verses pastels, which I save for the ladies.  
  By Scroll Quality:  Sometimes it comes down to which Thistles in the envelope are the nicest and cleanest painted, or perhaps if I'm in a hurry, the scrolls that are already to go and don't need additional clean-up.  
  Sable Scroll Personal Preference:  If a choice between two equally well painted and finished scrolls, I may select based on which scroll 'I' like.  Or which one I can do the best job matching the Calligraphy. 
  By Crown Choice:  If the Crown wishes or it's a special friend of the Crown receiving the award, I may have the Crown select the charter... and then I pray like mad that I don't mess the name up, as I'll have to select another charter in replacement.  
  By Special Recipient Painting:  Sometimes the charters are pre-painted specifically with recipients in mind.  For Aaron and Britta's stepping down, the charters were all painted by Sable Scroll in the colors of their entourage devices.  When the Coronation was iced out, we didn't want to redo all those charters again for the new date, so I carefully corrected and scraped the date and branch on each of 12 charters, so the special painted one's could be given at the later Coronation/Queen's. 
  By Branch Special:  Sometimes the branch scribes guild wants to paint all the charters for their own event.  It's not done often, as it requires a bit of logistics.  The Sable Scroll would have to be attending that event to be able to put in the award recipient names, or the Crown can have someone locally do the Sable Scroll task and then sign the scrolls onsite, or the branch would have to send those charters to the Sable Scroll in advance to be filled out and then sent back to the branch - so advance planning has to be done. 
  Charter Archive:  Mistress Stella Silvana - emeritus Sable Scroll to Romanius and Deanna, came up with an excellent idea toward the end of her tenure in office.  She had a goodly set of charters (thanks to the Scribes of Ansteorra), so she decided to create a 'Sable Scroll Charter Archive', in it's own box, inventoried and filed in envelopes.  The box is stored and retained by Star Signet.  In the event something happens to the box of charters that Sable Scroll maintains, then the kingdom doesn't have all it's eggs...er... scrolls, stored in one basket.  The Star Signet box can be put into action and the Crown business can continue without skipping a beat.  A really excellent idea!   (Though now Star Signet has yet one more box to keep up with - ack!).
  If others have words to add, please join in.  
  If any scribes want to check out the Sable Scroll box and the Sable Scroll officer has time at the event, feel free to ask for a 'tour' of the Sable Scroll box.  (Though some Sable Scroll's only carry a 'travel' set of scrolls to events and the full set stays at home).  
  Hope that answers the right question - 
  Cheers, Hillary
Carletta da Nicolosi <carletta_nicolosi at yahoo.com> wrote:
  I am curious as to how the Charters are distributed. Are they put in a big file as to type and then used accordingly?


Hillary Greenslade wrote:
What do you want to know about the College of Scribes of Ansteorra and how things work scribally in this kingdom? 

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