[Scriptoris] Scribal Policies and Procedures

Carletta da Nicolosi carletta_nicolosi at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 08:22:22 PDT 2007

Your Excellency,
  Thank you for the great explanation!  That was exactly what I was inquiring.  
  My suspicions were correct, there is A LOT of planning going on between Star Signet, Sable Scroll and TRMs for each one of the Events they are in attendance.  I like the fact that scrolls are looked at for each person (ie. male/female, early/late period, etc.) which makes it even more special for the recipient.
  Now, you added something very interesting, which is another question I was going to ask...
  By Branch Special:  Sometimes the branch scribes guild wants to paint
 all the charters for their own event.  It's not done often, as it
 requires a bit of logistics.  The Sable Scroll would have to be attending
 that event to be able to put in the award recipient names, or the Crown
 can have someone locally do the Sable Scroll task and then sign the
 scrolls onsite, or the branch would have to send those charters to the
 Sable Scroll in advance to be filled out and then sent back to the branch
 - so advance planning has to be done. 
  If the Rosenfeld Scribal Guild wanted to paint some of the Award Charters to be given out at a Rosenfeld Event like Battle of Three Kings, then the Guild would need to work with Sable Scroll "ahead of time" in order to get the scrolls completed prior to the event?
  Thanks for the excellent information.

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