[Scriptoris] Scribal Activity - Coastal Region

Sandra D lady_sabine_dubois at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 21 11:27:53 PDT 2007

Greetings Coastal Scribes,

It has dawned on me that we have a few branches within our region that do not have 'Scribal Guilds' active, but there are active scribes that live within these areas and still do work on thier own.  If this is you I would really appreciate if you would drop me a small missive to let me know what you have been working on.  I would like to include your hard work in with our report to Kingdom, and it doesn't seem fair to exclude you just because there isn't an active guild.  

Also, if you live in one of these areas and would like help starting a guild, or want advise on how to get started in anything scribal please let me know!  

In Service,
Sabine Dubois    
Coastal Regional Scribe

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