[Scriptoris] back from KWHSS

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 19 15:30:49 PDT 2007

Greetings Scribes, 
  I'm back from KWHSS in Caid, had a wonderful time, and lots of information learned! 
  This year was a banner year for scribes, as they had more scribal classes and activities than Heraldic ones, so very sorry you guys missed it.  
  I picked up a very nice book at the Getty museum, for the prize at the bi-annual Scribal Populace Choice contest to be held at Coronation, on July 7th, in Emerald Keep... so pull out those great originals or color copies from the last two years, documentation not required, but encouraged - and plan to enter.   
  Lots more updates and responses to e-mails as I catch up this week - so much to do, so little time.  
  Cheers, Hillary, Signet

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