[Scriptoris] Coastal Award Scrolls Competition

Sandra D lady_sabine_dubois at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 28 06:55:02 PDT 2007

Greetings Dear Scribes,
  I have just been reminded that I never officially announced the winner of the Coastal Scroll Competition.  I guess the baby truly is feeding on my brain!
  The Barony of Bordermarch completed and turned in 60 scrolls to claim the prize!  Vivat to the scribes of Bordermarch, and thank you for you hard work!  This was an amazing submission since they had just over a month to complete them.
  Several branches turned in numerous scrolls of wonderful quality.  It just goes to show how many very talented people we have in our Kingdom.  Vivat to everyone that competed, and good luck on the next one.  It will be coming up soon.
  In Service, 
  Lady Sabine Dubois
  Coastal Regional Scribe

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