[Scriptoris] Scribes sought for commission for pair of Court Barony scrolls

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 28 16:03:42 PDT 2007

Greetings Scribes, 

As agent for the Crown, I am seeking a scribe or scribes for the commission of a set of original
scrolls for a Court Barony for former Baron and Baroness in fief.   The due date for the scrolls
will be at Steppes Warlord, May 26th; which at this time provides about 2 months to complete the
projects.  I'm willing to accept commissions from two separate scribes for each scroll; scrolls do
not have to be a matched set.   The personna of the Baroness is Spanish, while the Baron is
Moorish; if you wish to create works related to personna, but that is not required.  

The Ansteorran Award Text document is online; use the Court Barony for non-founding Baron/ess in
fief.  Scroll size is limited to 11x14, that does include border space.  

Please let me know if you are interested in accepting this commission.  
The deadline for bids will be April 5th, 1 week from now. 

If there be any questions, please advise, 
Regards, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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