[Scriptoris] Scribal Documentation

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 2 16:26:23 PDT 2007

  A number of scribes have been asking me how to write up proper documentation for their original scrolls.  So, in order to answer get the ball rolling, I want to suggest you check out various kingdom Arts and Science pages, as there are often articles on writing documentation.  However, you have to be careful, as some other kingdom standards are not the same.  
  Ansteorra's Arts and Science webpage, has a number of article on it for documentation:
  Check out the judging forms in the menu list on the left, that will give you an idea on what the judges are looking for.  
  The boxes in the top of the page, specifically 'Handbook for Artisans of Ansteorra' and 'The State of the Arts' have a number of articles and ideas about documentation.  So, I'm giving you homework to do.  
  Any of you scribes have suggested guidelines for scribal documentation?? 
  Cheers, Hillary

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