[Scriptoris] update to the Scribal website

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya zubeydah at northkeep.org
Sat Oct 6 13:47:36 PDT 2007

Just to let folks know...

Posted another small update to the scribal website today, adding several 
original works to the Scribes Gallery of Original Works. . . including the 
artistry of Lady Prudence the Curious, and the teams of Lady Lillias & 
Mistress Gunhilda, and Lady Prudence and Lady Katarzyna Nicholaieva.

For the next update:  I'm working on cleaning up some photos of unpainted 
scroll charters provided by Mistress Hillary, and also some painted charters 
provided by the Rosenfeld Scribal Guild.  I'll also have some more examples 
for the Insignia Gallery.

In service,


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