[Scriptoris] ::ponder::

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya zubeydah at northkeep.org
Thu Oct 25 17:32:04 PDT 2007

Did you know that for year-to-date 2007, forty four Sable Thistles have been 
given out?  And of those forty four.... exactly FOUR were for the scribal 
arts? (That's 9%) Fully HALF of the number given for Costuming (They had 8 
given out).  (All totalled, there have been 1748 thistles given out in 
Ansteorran history, with 136 being granted in any form of the scribal arts, 
(7.7% of all Thistles) if you were curious. Yes, I'm a nerd and numbers 
sometimes get fascinating.)

I know that we have some AMAZING artists in Ansteorra.   I bet *you* know an 
artist who has been working on their skills as a calligrapher or illuminor 
for over a year, who has shown improvement, and demonstrated their skills!

Please ... bring these good gentles to the attention of Their Royal 
Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses, and send in an Award Recommendation.

This public service announcement brought to you by Zubeydah, who really 
should be in the kitchen making food for the event this weekend.... but is 
working on the scribal site instead.

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