[Scriptoris] scribal website update

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya zubeydah at northkeep.org
Sun Apr 20 13:52:44 PDT 2008

To the scribes of Ansteorra - 

First, an apology. It has been far too long since I posted the last update, and in that, I have failed in my assigned duties. I apologize for the long delay, and ask the forgiveness of those who have supplied items, and have patiently waited for them to be posted.  A personal loss hit me harder than I ever expected it would. 

Second, the update:  

Updated the Admin page with an article on Starting and Maintaining a Scribal Guild, and updated to the Final Draft of the Scroll Texts document. 

Added artists information to several pieces in the Insignia pages, as well as two new examples of Insignia by Don Christoforo Antonio Passavanti (a County Coronet and a Sable Talon). 

Updated information on the Contacts page - please take a look at the information that's posted for your local group, and let me know if it's correct.... 

Added new original work from HL Lillias MacGuffin, Baronne Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud, and Lady Ellen the Quiet. 

Works have been added to the Charter Library by Hedwig von Luneborg of Loch Sollier (AoA), Anne atte Rydeforde of Loch Soilleir (Court Barony, Star of Merit, Iris of Merit x2), Brian O'hUilliam of Loch Soilleir (Rising Star), Katarzyna Nikolaieva from Emerald Keep (Court Barony) and Ellen the Quiet of Bordermarch (Sable Thistle, AoA). 

Added a new section: Inspirations. This page is a collection of photographs taken by Sir Cassius Leapus, O.L., of illustrations from the Guttenberg Bible, at the McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa.

The Scribal News Page has received a significant update as well. 

Thirdly, a request:  If you have supplied me with materials that are NOT listed in the above update, please let me know.  It's entirely possible that I overlooked a file, or my email server was unusually aggressive about spam that day (My server receives over 4000 spams per day on average). 

Last but not least -- I am in the process of moving from my apartment into my (very first!!) house. This will be occuring starting next week (04/24/08) and I will likely be offline for approximately 1 to 2 weeks time, while we get settled in.  Since we host our own email server, I will not have access to email for about a week. 

Again, my apologies for the delays in the update.

In service to the College,

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
Vscribe to the College of Scribes & Illuminors

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