[Scriptoris] Red tape and scribal

Meggan Cividanes harperaria at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 18 12:38:17 PDT 2008


While I know we do not have the official schedule for the event posted yet, I will have all of the Regional scribal supplies at the event and there is supposed to be a room devoted to Scribal for our meetings and for doing painting and calligraphy. There will definitely be space and supplies! 

I will be happy to resupply you Zubeydah!

with joy in service,
HL Lillias MacGuffin
Northern Regional Signet 

--- On Mon, 8/18/08, zubeydah at northkeep.org <zubeydah at northkeep.org> wrote:

> From: zubeydah at northkeep.org <zubeydah at northkeep.org>
> Subject: [Scriptoris] Red tape and scribal
> To: "Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA,  Inc." <scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Date: Monday, August 18, 2008, 10:59 AM
> Hi fellow scribes!
> I am attending Red Tape this weekend, and plan to bring all
> of my scribally 
> stuff. Danielle De Marseilles and I have tentative plans to
> find a quiet spot 
> and do some painting. You're invited to join us! 
> (Lillias, if you're going to 
> be there, I'm about out of charters... will you have
> more? I've been sharing my 
> supplies with a bunch of Northern folks, and am out!  I
> should have 7 or so 
> that I've finished to turn in.)
> I will also be bringing my laptop computer and a scanner --
> so if you have 
> charters that are ready to turn in, please consider
> allowing me to scan them to 
> add them to the Charter Library. I'm also always
> looking for original works to 
> add to the Artist's Gallery.  
> Hope to see you there,
> Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
> Vscribe to the College of Scribes & Illuminors


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