[Scriptoris] Gulf Wars 2009 Scribes Point - classes wanted!!

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 11 16:24:54 PST 2008

Greetings Scribes of the Knowne World, 

Just short of 3 months till Gulf Wars 2009, hosted in Gleann Ahbann 
...but Gulf Wars will be here before you know it!! 

We need your Scribal Classes!
The deadline for getting your class listed in the Gulf Wars site booklet is early this year, *December 28th, 2008*. Scribes Point will again have use of our own private tent adjacent to the Scribes Point building - which gave us loads of room for students. 

For Scribal Classes, I need the following to register teachers: 

SCA Name: 
Real Name: 
Class Name: 
Class Descr: (very brief)
Class Fee: 
Class Student Limit: 
Class Length (hours):
Time Preference: (Morning/Afternoon) :
Day Preference: (M,T,W,TH,F) :
(tables/chairs and white-board/ markers provided)

Note: The Scribes Point building will be available for evening multi-media class presentations (slides, powerpoint), as available. 

* Kingdom specific scribal classes are welcome; after all, what a great event to spend quality time with scribes from your regions. 
* Teaching classes also count as VOLUNTEER POINTS to raise funds for your branch. 
* This is the third call for scribal classes. At this date, no scribal class registrations have been received.

Please let me know if any questions. Please forward as needed. 
I look forward to hearing from many of you. 

Cheers, Mst. Hillary Greenslade
GW 18 Scribes Point
hillaryrg at yahoo.com

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