[Scriptoris] Introduction and Hello!

eleanor cleavely whiteoakbard at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 17:01:18 PST 2008

Greetings, fellow scribes!

My name is Lady Eleanor Cleavely. I currently reside in the Barony of
Elfsea, and just moved here from the Citadel of the Southern Pass in El
Paso, TX. I used to play in Elfsea almost six years' ago, and it is good to
be back. I am looking forward to painting in Ansteorra. I can do charters as
well as original scrolls. The two kingdoms I've played in the last five
years (Atenveldt and Outlands) have original scrolls for awards, so I'm used
to doing them.

Anyway, I can't wait to start painting! Nice to meet you all!

Ever in service with a song and a smile,
Lady Eleanor Cleavely
Bard, illuminator and lover of all things medieval
"Mine honor is my life; both grow in one;
take honor from me and my life is done."
--William Shakespeare

Ego existo obstinantus - I am resolved

Reluctor ultum , pareo parum - Resist much, obey little

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