[Scriptoris] Rosenfeld Scribal Guild Meeting, Monday January 28th

Carletta da Nicolosi carletta_nicolosi at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 21 08:42:18 PST 2008

  The usual date for the Rosenfeld Scribal Meeting is the last Tuesday of the month; however, this month we will need to move it up a day to Monday, January 28th as I will be out of town the rest of the week on business.  I wanted to give a few weeks notice of the change so that everyone can make arrangements accordingly.
  Please come to paint scrolls, talk to our Herald about devices or names, or just to enjoy fellowship.  Dessert and coffee is usually served around 8:30pm, so if you have a favorite dessert, bring it and share!
  Supplies will be provided to those who do not have their own and do not forget that there is a Winter Contest going on for the most useable charters which will end February 29th (yes, it is leap year). 
  In Service,
  Lady Carletta da Nicolosi
  Rosenfeld Scribal Guild Coordinator

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