[Scriptoris] Fw: [SCA_S&I] 64-page calligraphy catalog available

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 30 16:29:52 PDT 2008

For those who haven't ever received a copy of this John Neal Booksellers calligraphy and scribal supply catalog, it's a must have!
John comes out once a year with a large full catalog, then sends periodic smaller flyer updates of new items and sales... but the large catalog is only once a year. Sign up!
Enjoy, Hillary

--- On Tue, 10/21/08, john neal <john at JohnNealBooks.com> wrote:

From: john neal <john at JohnNealBooks.com>
Subject: [SCA_S&I] 64-page calligraphy catalog available
To: SCA_Scribes_and_Illumination at yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 9:48 AM

You can request a copy of the John Neal, Bookseller 64-page catalog of calligraphy, illumination & bookbinding books and supplies. The catalog includes traditional and modern materials. 
 I am doing a catalog mailing the first of next week to people who have recently requested a copy. If you would like a copy, please let me know. There is no charge for the catalog for those living in the USA. You can request the catalog online at www.johnnealbooks.com/catalog_request or send an email with your address. These catalogs will be mailed bulk rate and can take up to four weeks to arrive. If you would like a quantity for your class, guild or study group, email me with the address, quantity and date needed. There are two versions of the current catalog. One has a dark green cover with six books/cd’s, the other a dark blue cover with John Stevens’ forthcoming book. If you have either of these, you have the current catalog. For an update of new items, see below. 
 You don’t have to wait for a catalog. At www.johnnealbooks. com/catalog_ request you can also view the same print catalog in pdf form as well as a fall update of new books and supplies. You don’t need a catalog. All the books and supplies in the catalog (and many items not in the catalog) are available through the website. The new items can be found by clicking on “New Books and Calendars” and “New Tools & Materials” under “ONLINE STORE” on the left hand side of the page.  – John 
 John Neal, Bookseller   www.JohnNealBooks. com
800-369-9598    336-272-6139   fax: 336-272-9015
POB 9986, Greensboro, NC 27429 USA

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