[Scriptoris] Gulf War scribal tallies

Star Signet star-signet at herald.ansteorra.org
Mon Apr 5 15:31:16 PDT 2010

I just received a letter from HL Moreg, the coordinator for Scribe's Point
at this year's Gulf Wars, and wanted to share some news.

Overall, volunteer hours were down from last year: 323.75 as opposed to
almost 500 last year.

However, for what volunteering was done, Ansteorra really worked hard.

Ansteorrans completed 21 charters, and partially completed another 10. This
number exceeds the output of Trimaran, Meridian, and Calontiri scribes
combined. In addition I know that there were (at least) two brand new
Ansteorran scribes involved in these efforts. Our numbers are growing!

I am filled with pride and awe at the dedication and industry of the
Ansteorran Scribal Arts Machine!

The College of Scribes is one of the great treasures of our Kingdom, as
shown again through these most recent deeds.

Duncan the Proud

Master Duncan Hepburn
Star Signet

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