[Scriptoris] Scriptoris Digest, Vol 67, Issue 5

beau dumesnil beaudumesnil at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 5 21:38:30 PDT 2011

that class list is horrible...I apologize...it was real nice & organized when posted...could someone give me advice so this doesnt happen again when formatting (typing up ) my page?...Apologies, Beau
 > From: scriptoris-request at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: Scriptoris Digest, Vol 67, Issue 5
> To: scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org
> Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2011 12:06:51 -0700
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. class updates & time slots (beau dumesnil)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 12:21:44 -0500
> From: beau dumesnil <beaudumesnil at hotmail.com>
> To: chrome nickler <chronicler at bordermarch.org>, walton dumesnil
> 	<wdumesnil at hotmail.com>, baron santiago <dblathrop at yahoo.com>, paddy
> 	wagon	<seneschal at bordermarch.org>, Ansteorran Scribes
> 	<scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org>, <deidredi at hotmail.com>, "rudy
> 	(jakob)	templin (rot ross)" <rudyisfozzy at gmail.com>,
> 	<caitlin37 at comcast.net>,	"Dietrich (Steve) Strobelbart (Scott)"
> 	<dietrich.strobelbart at yahoo.com>,	James Aulds <chicory at gmail.com>,
> 	Star Principal Herald	<kingdom at herald.ansteorra.org>,	Amy Kitmacher
> 	<aoibheallangerra at gmail.com>, 	Janice Dean <janicedean88 at yahoo.com>,
> 	Mistress Jalali <iris20 at sbcglobal.net>, 	mistress hillary of stargate
> 	<hillaryrg at yahoo.com>,	<favoritedragon at yahoo.com>, katherine Watson
> 	<katherin.watson at att.net>,	Brett Finch <naturemakeswell at gmail.com>,
> 	<matthiasthebrewer at cox.net>
> Subject: [Scriptoris] class updates & time slots
> Message-ID: <BLU153-W49BB5205F284F98010EDE3DDDA0 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> WE NEED THUR CLASSES...PLEASE!... Friday Classes:
> BFT slot "A":
> 10am---11amTeacher : Baron James ens les Breres, Gleann Abhann The Aesop Fable... A rediscovery for the current middle ages. you might have read them as children or gone over them in English Lit.  A brief Intro in the Fables of Aesop or attributed, there place in medieval life and theories. but best of all we will read fables and morals from the medici aseop and ponder there timelessness and meaning in our current middle ages, more of a group discussion of aesop than a class 
> no class limit,  18 and up and well mannered children  11am-1215pmTeacher : Lady Mairghread Inghean Taithligh...Momma Meg for short, Gleann AbhannThe History of Dogs...There will be a brief discussion on the history of dogs and their roles in our lives & you will meet a mastiff in training.  I will have materials to look at, such as books and write ups. No charge, no limit, no handouts, animals that are social are welcome to attend. 1230pm-330pmForum : GA Topaz Herald Ld Alrekr inn Svarti, Star Signet Lady Vivianna Rowntree, Ld Biau-douz de la MereMulti-Kingdom Scribal "Think-Tank" Discussion...This discussion is a means for idea exchange...Meaning: The GA participants want to pick our collective brains to see how we have organiized our scribal structure for as long as we have & how we make it work...Likewise, we can benefit from fresh ideas that the newer Kingdom of GA has to offer...
> Please remember for those wanting to attend this meeting that this is not a comparative critique, but more of a discussion of pleasant open-mindedness... 345pm-5pmTeacher : Baron James ens les Breres, Gleann Abhann Beekeeping in the SCA time period... From Ancient Egypt to Butlers "amazonian monarchy" an overview of period beekeeping, process, economy, and legend. this is not a "how to keep bees" class but more a class on what your persona would have known about bees and beekeeping from a geographical and cultural perspective through agricultural works
> no class limit,  18 and up please 5pm-til-?!?Teacher : Herr Dietrich StrobelbartDrumming for Beginners...students should bring their own drum if possible, I will have only 2 loaner drums, one of which is rather small. I will have hand-outs.Class limited to 20 or so. Friday Classes : BFT Slot "B": 10am-12pm  
> Teacher : Baroness Martha Effingham of Stewart Kepe, former Baroness of AxemoorCoats for Everyone!...Each person goes away from the class with a completed coat!  It will require a 2 hr block of time, and cutting tables.  I will provide all materials (wool fabric, thread, needles, scissors, handouts) for a $20 fee.  There will probably need to be a limit for those actually making the coat (according to the amount of fabric I can pack in my vehicle.)  But no limit & no fee for observers.
>  12pm-2pmTeacher : Lady Avelyn Blakenye, Shire of Seawinds
> Wire Wrapping...Use simple wire wrapping techniques to create a 6th- 8th century Byzantine necklace of pearls and gemstones.   Class limited to 8 people, no experience necessary, class fee $5-$10 ( I will update this once I purchase supplies this week), 2hrs.  Tools and supplies will be provided but if students bring their own jewelers pliers and wire cutters it would be helpful. 2pm-4pmTeacher : Lady Caitilin inghean Ronain ui Cheallaigh, Barony of Stargate, Sentinel PursuivantBeading for the Beginner/ Intermediate or How to Make Jewelry for Your Garb...1st dayBasic Instruction and Hands on Work with beads. Learn techniques to make your own necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and pendents to wear with your garb. Students are encouraged to bring their own tools and supplies if you have some, we will also have some basic kits, plus handouts.2 hours...Teenagers to Adult...10 to 15  participants...Fees : $ 4. for the kits to cover costs...any extra tables or  picnic tables with benc
>  hs would be helpful.
> 4pm-5pmTeacher : Mistress Hillary Greenslade, OP, Barony of StargateRivets for Jewelry... Learn how to set small rivets for jewelry:  domed, flush and tube rivets.  Make a small sample piece with each rivet style, handout provided. All tools provided, class limit:  8 persons, Fee: noneLength 1 hr. 5pm-til-?!?Teacher : Herr Dietrich Strobelbart & Aleesar Drumming and Dancing Guild Drumming for Beginners...students should bring their own drum if possible, I will have only 2 loaner drums, one of which is rather small. I will have hand-outs.Class limited to 20 or so. Friday Classes : Amphitheater Slot "C": 10am-11amOPEN 11am-12pmTeacher : HL Andrewe Bawldwyn, Star Principal Herald, Shire of SeawindsSo you wanna be a herald? (Or: Getting yourself assimilated)...Description: A brief overview of heraldry in the SCA, and tips/tricks on getting started for those who are curious. Class format will be flexible, with open q&a as well as informational handouts.no fee 12pm-1pmOPEN 1pm-2pmO
>  PEN 2pm-3pmTeacher : Mistress Jalali of Salamis, OL, OSTB, Barony of Raven's FortTell'em Where to Go & Make Them Like It": Cry Heraldry for the Beginner & Advanced...Mistress Jalali of Salamisno fee1 hour 3pm-4pmOPEN 4pm-5pmTeacher : Ld Jakob Root Ross, Barony of BordermarchGoing Medieval on a Budget...
> Tips and tricks for beginners, ways to get started in the SCA as a
> whole and for the "older players" trying something new without a large
> investment. I will also be having a hands on with the drum building in the same class.no limit & no fee Saturday Classes : BFT Slot "A": 11am-4pmAdult & Youth A&S competition                                       & InterKingdom Brewers' Guild (IKBG) competition 4pm-5pmTeacher : HL Caitlin nan Cnoc AirgeadServing Head Table at Feast...no fee1 hour Saturday Classes : BFT Slot "B": 11am-12pmTeacher : Lady Ghilean Inion au JohnnyA Simple Dress...Materials: no materials, I have what I need to hand out.  And I will handle that.Maximum is 40 peopleclass is an hour.No fee
> 12pm-2pmTeacher : Lady Avelyn Blakenye, Shire of Seawinds
> Viking Wire knit...open session, I can teach beginners how to get started as well as those with experience the double and triple stitch.  I will provided tools and supplies or bring your own.  (a $5 donation is appreciated if you use my supplies).  2 hrs. 2pm-4pmTeacher : Lady Caitilin inghean Ronain ui Cheallaigh, Barony of Stargate, Sentinel PursuivantBeading for the Beginner/ Intermediate or How to Make Jewelry for Your Garb...2nd dayBasic Instruction and Hands on Work with beads. Learn techniques to make your own necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and pendents to wear with your garb. Students are encouraged to bring their own tools and supplies if you have some, we will also have some basic kits, plus handouts.2 hours...Teenagers to Adult...10 to 15  participants...Fees : $ 4. for the kits to cover costs...any extra tables or  picnic tables with benchs would be helpful.
> 4pm-5pmTeacher : Lady Ghilean Inion au JohnnySimple A&S...Materials: a small pouch or bag for examples.  I will handle everything else.Maximum is 40 peopleclass is an hour.No fee Saturday Classes : Amphitheater Slot "C": 11am-12pmTeacher : Ld Matthias the BrewerIngredients Used in Brewing Beer...I'd like to do a class that will be mostly talking about ingredients used in brewing beer.Not a beginner topic, but one that beginners could take as well.  Will mostly be talking about how different ingredients can be used to change the characteristics/taste of beer.
> About 20-30 people at most.  
>  no fee 12pm-1pmTeacher : Ld GoldWeardEvent Stewardship...
> maximum  20 people
> any age.
> no class fee  1pm-2pmOPEN 2pm-5pmAdult & Youth Bardic Competitions Misc. Classes & Events During BAM Time : TBATeacher : HE Mistress Rhiannon ferch Bryan, OL, Baroness of Loch SoillierMedieval & Middle Eastern Dance for Beginners & Advanced...Location : A discrete location on-site TBAClass size & Fees : Pending Friday EveningForum : Hosted by HL Alden DrakeBardic Circle...Under the Stargate Pavilionno limit; no fees Friday EveningForum : Hosted by Herr Dietrich Strobelbart & Aleesar Drumming and Dancing Guild EPIC DRUM JAM!...Under the BFTSnacks & BYOB/ BYOD (Bring your own drum)no fee Saturday EveningForum : Hosted by Herr Dietrich Strobelbart & Aleesar Drumming and Dancing Guild HAFLA!...Under the BFTSnacks & BYOB/ BYOD (Bring your own drum)no fee Gratis...finis Only 5 spots open for lecture -type classes only in the Amphitheater Class Slot "C" & still no takers for thur classes WE NEED THUR CLASSES...PLEASE Corrections : Kingdom Rapier Marshal Iago Cabrera de Cadiz...I sen
>  t you a misspelling...please correct this on the Marshalling courses available I hope to add more lecture classes...Beau 
> ------------------------------
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> End of Scriptoris Digest, Vol 67, Issue 5
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