[Scriptoris] Text needed

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 6 14:52:26 PST 2011

What Andrewe said, plus: 
You can find it online, at the Official Ansteorran Award Text document, 
under either the College of Heralds site (Publications) or the College of Scribes site (Reference Materials). 
It can be somewhat slow to open the PDF file online, depending on your server speed.  Sometimes it can be easier to copy it to your harddrive, then open it there... right click on the link, select 'Save Target As'. then save to your c:drive, and open from it's location. 
Cheers, Hillary

From: David Brown <lddevin03 at yahoo.com>
To: "scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org" <scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 9:42 PM
Subject: [Scriptoris] Text needed

For the Talon charter.

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