[Scriptoris] Multi-Kingdom Scribal "think-tank" discussion @ BAM

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 27 14:46:13 PDT 2011

Just to add to the below request, as a former Sable Scroll, I do and have looked at the letter forms and try to copy those when inserting in the name of the Crown, Recipient, etc, for the award scroll, so that it can match the 'font' as close as possible and somewhat look like it was the original hand.   For those letters not found on the specific scroll text, it's usually easy enough to extrapolate a letter form from strokes used in other letters.  
But, it's still a valid idea.   

From: Elaine <eshc at earthlink.net>
To: "Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Scriptoris] Multi-Kingdom Scribal "think-tank" discussion @ BAM

I won't be able to go, but could someone pass along an idea I have had for a while?

The idea:
In the out-of the-margins area  of a printed scroll to be cut off, could the designer of the original please put an ABC set of the big and little letters used in the scroll? (Majuscules and minuscules, for those who only speak "calligraphy.")

This would help those who might not know the style of all the letters needed for the filling in of the scroll's blanks. That way, the recipient would have a nicer looking, more cohesive appearance to the lettering when they go to proudly hang it on their walls.

Besides, the cut off's alphabet examples would make an excellent reference strip for designing the lettering of an original, later. For lack of a better use, it would make a nice bookmark!  ; - )

HL Lete Bithespring, Steppes, Ansteorra

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