[Scriptoris] Site Update - Share Your Scrolls!

Penelope de Bourbon penelope.debourbon at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 09:36:57 PDT 2011

A happy Friday to the scribes of Ansteorra!

We are making some updates to the scribal site -
http://scribe.ansteorra.org/ - and we need your help. There are a couple of
areas we're working on, and we can't do it without examples of your lovely
work and your permission to use them. If either of the below applies to you,
email me privately so that I can get you the proper forms. If you hesitate
because you don't know how to ready your images for the web, don't fret! Let
me know, and I'll be happy to make them ready for our gracious webmistress.

1. The Charter Library ( http://scribe.ansteorra.org/library/index.htm ) is
where we strive to have an example, both painted and unpainted, of each
style of pre-printed charter for each award. The most recent additions are
from 2008. If you have done one in a different style than you see here and
have photographs of it, please let me know privately, and I will get you
further information so that we can include it on the site.

I know that new charter designs were approved a few months ago, and as they
are printed and made available to our scribes, we want to make sure that
they are included on the site to serve as both reference and inspiration.
Likewise, if you have a particularly cunning and aesthetic take on one of
the older charters represented, let me know, and we may include a photograph
of your illumination to inspire others.

2. If you are a scribe who has produced original scrolls and wishes to be
included in the Artist Gallery of Original Works, please let me know, so
that I can get you the appropriate forms. If you have retained in your notes
information on the resources/inspirations used for the scroll design,
materials used, etc. that is especially appreciated.

The online scribal resources are an important means of introduction to
prospective scribes, a handy reference for the scribe who has an assignment
they've never seen an example of, and a source of fresh inspiration to each
of us who faces down the umpteenth charter and needs ideas to make it feel
as special as the Ansteorran who has worked hard to earn it. Thank you for
your help in this undertaking!

In service,

Lady Penelope de Bourbon
penelope.debourbon at gmail.com

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