[Scriptoris] Projects for Upcoming Reign

Deanna della Penna estencele at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 09:28:54 PDT 2012

Hello! I hope everyone is well.
I'm coordinating scribal projects for the upcoming reign, and was
looking for artists who had room in their queues who would be open to
volunteering their time and talent.

September 22 - King's Champion
September 29 - Royal Huntsman
October 6 - Guardian of the Queen's Hope
January 12 - King's Blade of Chivalry
January 12 - Roll of Arms

??? - Queen's Blade of Honor
??? - Middle Eastern Dance Champion
??? - Kingdom Bard
??? - Royal Lancer

If you are interested in committing to one of these, I would be very
grateful. Please let me know offlist.

All the best,
-Deanna della Penna
estencele at gmail dot com

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