[Scriptoris] Prize Document Texts [was: Question]

Elizabeth fionnghualathefair at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 13 15:33:46 PST 2012

I think it's a wonderful idea. It would be a helpful reference for any new scribe doing originals as well as those who have done many.  

I cannot speak for anyone else but know that, for me, trying to come up with appropriate and succinct wording for an original scroll is Difficult.

And, Mistress Serena, since you already maintain the official award text document with such expertise, you would be the logical person to lead such a project.

If I can be of assistance in the effort to make this suggestion a reality, please let me know.

Lady Fionnghuala the Fair "Nuala"

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 13, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Diane Rudin <serena1570 at yahoo.com> wrote:

Just to further clarify what Sara and Hillary said: 

The Official Awards Texts document only contains texts for official 
Ansteorran awards, orders, and ceremonial titles, defined as those 
carried in the Ansteorran Order of Precedence. The victors of the tournaments at GW and Pennsic have 
our respect, our honor, and our memory; however,  those tournament 
victories do not name an official Ansteorran ceremonial title, are 
therefore not carried in the OP, and therefore have no official document text.

Therefore, makers of tournament commemorative prize documents for such tournaments are free to design a text to suit the situation and the sponsors of 
that tournament.

What do y'all think of the idea of setting up a 
database of examples of this sort of thing? With the permission of the 
texts' authors, it could consist of texts used in the past for such 
recurring tournaments (GW and Pennsic) for scribes to use as a 
guide/reference in creating their own.

--Serena, Blanc Gryffon HeraldDeputy to Star Principal Herald for Special Documents

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