SR - Let's get started!

Conor mac Cinneide carcassonnais at
Tue Apr 7 23:15:32 PDT 1998

Conor here,

I would like to make a proposal here, and I am going to repeat it at 
the Ffynnon Gath Event meeting, if I can get there.

While we discuss the idea of a principality, why not start with some 
changes for our region.

First, let's choose a name for our region.  Something better than 
Southern, which while descriptive, is deadly dull.  In the meetings 
we have talked about building a regional identity, and I think this 
would help.  We do not need to commit ourselves to this name for any 
future principality.  In fact, I can think of few things that would 
more effectively mark the change to principality status, than a 
change of name.  If we want to keep it, that's fine too.

Second, how about a regional badge?  Some way for us to display our 
new found identity.  This of course could remain as a principality 

Third, I want to propose a motto,  "Comme Faites Les Heros."  This is 
French, for "As heroes do."  This is suggested by Ragnar's words, 
"...because that's what heroes do."

We do not have to create a principality to do any of these things, 
and anything we do now, does not have to carry over to the 
principality(if we make one).  Let's do something positive, in the 
short term, while we continue to discuss what we want to do in the 
long term.

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