SR - Let's get started!

Elisabeth Zakes ezakes at
Wed Apr 8 04:11:15 PDT 1998

On Wednesday, April 08, 1998 1:16 AM, Conor mac Cinneide
[SMTP:carcassonnais at] wrote:
> Conor here,

> First, let's choose a name for our region.  Something better than 
> Southern, which while descriptive, is deadly dull.  In the meetings 
> we have talked about building a regional identity, and I think this 
> would help.  We do not need to commit ourselves to this name for any 
> future principality.  In fact, I can think of few things that would 
> more effectively mark the change to principality status, than a 
> change of name.  If we want to keep it, that's fine too.

I propose Southern Star.


> Third, I want to propose a motto,  "Comme Faites Les Heros."  This is 
> French, for "As heroes do."  This is suggested by Ragnar's words, 
> "...because that's what heroes do."

I like this.


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