SR - Money questions

Tim Lozos dentim at
Tue Apr 14 19:02:06 PDT 1998


Had a good meeting in Shadowlands tonight. They asked some were good
questions, some of which I felt I couldnt answer. Here's  a few.

1. In the Reeves office, does the Principality open its own bank account? (I
think it does) If so, does the Principality get any money from the Kingdom?
(I dont think so)

2. Can the Principality bid on Kingdom events? IE:  Fall Crown hosted by the
Principaity of Cibola... 

3. If a group bids on a Principaity event, does it share the money with the
Principality like we do now with the Kingdom? (wouldnt that depend on the
Principality laws?) Would a group hosting a Principality event have to split
money with the principality *and* the Kingdom?

BTW: the Shadowlands meeting had 11 people. We polled on a few things....

1. To continue the Principality discussion.............10 in favor
2. Border ideas(could vote for more than one)
  a. Southern region as is .................................8 
  b. Southern and Western region....................... 0 (nada)
  c. Southern and Coastal region.........................5 
  d. Southern and the lower coast.......................8

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