SR - Let's get started!

Tim McDaniel tmcd at
Sun Apr 12 10:59:45 PDT 1998

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, Conor mac Cinneide
<carcassonnais at> wrote:
> > p. 59: Hic [ich] dien, 14th C., "I serve", Philippa of Hainault
> This is the motto of Edward, the Black Prince
> Okay, so it isn't French, but I know a lot about the Black
> Prince.

Originally, I went by the caption of the photo, which reads,
"An ostrich feather and the motto HIC DIEN [Ich Dien] shown
as a badge of Edward III and now accepted as being derived
from his wife Philippa of Hainault."  I interpreted the
"being derived" verb as applying to the last thing
mentioned, the motto, or to the whole design.

However, p. 58 has "Traditionally, the Prince of Wales'
badge of feathers was adopted by Edward, the Black Prince
[which is not what he was called in his lifetime, BTW], from
the crest of the blind King John of Bohemia who was slain at
the bttle of Cr{e'}cy.  This story ignores two facts: the
crest of King John consisted of two eagles' winges scattered
with linden leaves, and the ostrich feathers were introduced
into English regal heraldry by Philippa of Hainault, the
mother of the Black Prince, and the feathers are likely to
be a punning allusion to Ostrevans, a county held by her

So I'd say the caption has a bit of a dangling modifier /
clarity problem.  The whole feather+Ich Dien was derived
from her but she contributed the feather, and it's unstated
who came up with Ich Dien.  Since he's the first clear user,
let me correct it to

p. 59: Hic [ich] dien, 14th C., "I serve", Edward "the Black Prince"

Daniel the Black Head
Tim McDaniel; Reply-To: tmcd at; if that fail, tmcd at
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