SR - Re: ANST - To Become Principalities Or Not

Dennis and/or Dory Grace amazing at
Sun Apr 12 20:11:11 PDT 1998

Salut Cozyns,

Lyonel aisai.

In response to Karen Evans'--
>>  This kind of objection comes from someone
>> with no experience with Principalities.

Alina says:

>Your comment and insult of my opinion was totally uncalled for. 
>As nonsmoker nor a drug addict, I know both elements are bad and  I wouldn't
>want to do either. 
>Just because I have never been part of a principalities, doesn't mean my
>opinion are any less significant than yours.  

Sorry, Alina, but as a former smoker, recovering alcoholic, and prior
citizen of a principality, I have to say I find your analogy itself far
more insulting than Ms. Evans' dismissal of uninformed opinions.   Are you
saying principalities are invasive, addictive, mind- and body-altering
chemicals?  No, of course not, but you *are* saying--whether you meant to
or not--that principalities are "bad."  

In all fairness, I know that you do not favor the formation of a
principality.  Fine.  Why don't you share your objections?  So far, I've
seen only two express objections.  

One:  some of you apparently believe the formation of a principality would
"cut up" Ansteorra, that the formation of a principality necessarily
foretells the creation of a new kingdom in a few years.  This is simply not
the case.  The principality of the Mists is older than this kingdom, and
I've never heard any suggestion that they would ever wish to be a kingdom.
We've answered this "cutting up the kingdom" objection again and again and
again--on every mailing list, in face-to-face discussions, and at Hero of
the Temple.  We've beat this objection to a bloody pulp.  This is a non-issue.

Two:  a principality will be a lot of work.  So what?  It will only be a
lot of work for those who wish to do the work.  If you don't want to do the
work, don't.  The rest of us will take up the slack.  

Now, does anyone have any *new* objections to the formation of a Southern

lo vostre por vos servir
Sir Lyonel (I don't need principalities; I can quit anytime I want--really)
Oliver Grace
Dennis Grace
University of Texas at Austin
English Department
Recovering Medievalist
mailto:amazing at

Micel yfel deth se unwritere.
                           AElfric of York
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