SR - A small proposal
Zimmermann, Leonard
zimmerml at
Mon Apr 13 08:14:24 PDT 1998
Sir Connor mac Cinneide writes:
I have made no secret of the fact that I am in favor of a small
principality. Recent postings on this list and the Ansteorran
has driven me even more to this opinion. People seems convinced
we want to break off and be a new Kingdom quickly. I am not in
of this and I know that others feel even more strongly than I.
small principality, just the Southern Region, has the best
chance of
remaining a principality far into the future. The Southern
Region is
unlikely to qualify for Kingdom status for a long time.
[arguments for remaining small and avoiding Kingdom status
deleted for brevity]
Is anyone opposed to forming a principality if it includes only
Southern Region? If no one else wants to come to our party, do
still want to throw it? I would very much like to hear from
who is opposed to a principality unless it includes the Western
Region, or the Coastal Region, or half the Central Region, or
combination of these? At the moment I am not interested in
ideal principality (unless it agrees with mine), but I am
in anyone who cannot support a Southern Region only
principality, but
would support something more.
Lionardo Acquistapace responds thus:
I would like to chime in that while I have no strong feelings
one way or the other I would prefer to support a geographical area for a
principality that would provide the OPTION of becoming a Kingdom at a
later date. The Southern region is virtually surrounded by the rest of
our Kingdom. An argument could be made that if we became a Principality
with those boundaries and decided at some future date that we would like
to be a Kingdom then we would have hemmed ourselves into an area that
would not be allowed to become a Kingdom. I think it best to aim for
keeping our options open and looking to the long term should we ever
decide to take that route.
Honos Servio,
Lionardo Acquistapace, Bjornsborg
(mka Lenny Zimmermann, San Antonio)
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