SR - office titles, Treasurer

Timothy A. McDaniel tmcd at
Mon Apr 13 11:56:42 PDT 1998

HRH Kat, reporting on reported Corporate policy, wrote:
> Actually, nowadays the correct title for the handler of the money is 
> "Chancellor of the Exchequer."

Then the Corporation is full of hooey -- not an uncommon
situation.  The Exchequer was a specifically English
institution.  Also, to the best of my knowledge, they
handled only certain revenues.  The general period term for
someone who handled money in general was ... "treasurer" (or
similar terms in non-English languages).  I *think* the OED
lists late usage of "exchequer" as meaning "treasurer", but
that's a late usage.

(I dimly recall the Board Minutes talking about "exchequer"
as a *proposal*, but I should really re-check it.)

> the title they would prefer for everyone to use.

Please don't change Ansteorran practice -- or at least get
someone to actually research it (more than my five minute's
looking in the OED) before changing!

Daniel de Lincolia
Tim McDaniel.   Reply to tmcd at; if that fail, tmcd at
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