SR - Names-French

Rollie W. Reid carcassonnais at
Fri Aug 21 02:02:34 PDT 1998

It just occurred to me, that I have the perfect French name for the
region, or actually Texas or even the south.  The region of France
which Lyonel and Roland de l'Aude call home is called Languedoc, which
is Langue d'oc, Language of "oc", because that is how they said yes in
the native tongue of the region, so I suggest:


Langue d'y'all

Language of y'all

Sorry, I couldn't resist.  OK, so actually I could have resisted, but
if I have to suffer along with my twisted sense of humor, so do the
rest of you.


lucetis sicut luminaria in mundo

Or maybe


or even


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