SR - Principality Solution

stddly at stddly at
Thu Jul 9 17:03:06 PDT 1998

Heilsa all...

Kief here...typing from atop a watch tower...(go figure)

Mirrim replied to... Gilli's query about... Mirrim's statement...

>Mirrim wrote:
>> >and last time someone brought up all the regions becoming principalities it
>> >caused a big stink.

>Gilli replied:
>> Oh, really. I didn't know that happened.  What all happened?
>A couple of years ago, the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal (Inman) 
>announced that to make administering the kingdom easier, they wanted 
>all the regions to become principalities.  There was a big hue and 
>cry for a couple of months and Inman said with all the negative 
>feedback he could no longer support the idea, and so it died quickly 
>and quietly.

Kinda sorta correct... The proposal would have created 3 Principalities along
boundries created by some of the "upper level" of Kingdom Officers, some of the
Royal Family, and the Crown. Many of the "common folk" disagreed with this
approach and the ensuing hue and cry did indeed help quash the idea. As well as
the fact that with 3 Principalities there would have been no area left for the
Kingdom of Ansteorra to exist in...... Hopefully this "old news" will now fade
away and be lost in the mists of legend...
Waes Thu Hael kinfolk...
"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

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