SR - Beginning new traditions

Pug Bainter pug at
Thu Jul 16 06:06:27 PDT 1998

Although I somewhat agree with Pendaran, please seem below.

Brian Martin said something that sounded like:
> If we start limiting the number of times a person can win a list, are we
> prepared to limit the number of times that someone can enter/win a bardic
> competition?

How many times a year is Kingdom Estefod (sp)? Doesn't the current one
step down?

I've only seen Kingdom Estefod (sp) happening once a year and the person
steps down. This means that is no more often than once every two years.
(Although I admit the terms are for one year and not 6 months.)

> How about archery competitions or A&S competitions? You see,
> the key word there is competition. Without fair and open competition, skills
> stagnate and people don't progress.

We are not talking about the every weekend competitions which help hone
your skills. We are talking at a different level of responsibility.

If I win a brewing competition at a Bryn Gwlad event, what is my
responsibility? On the other hand if I were to win as the "Kingdom
Artisan", what would it be?

Just as we don't allow officers to serve in single office for more than
two years, we should limit certain positions. I do not wish to place an
upper limit on how many times they can be the Prince/Princess, just how

If nothing else, the person in question might "burn-out" or get power
hungry. I don't want either thing to happen those I consider friend and

In Service,

Phelim "Pug" Gervase  | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something 
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |  graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with 
House Flaming Dog     |  vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at           |  beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"
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