SR - SCA Laws

Gary Koehler midnightk at
Mon Jul 20 23:29:22 PDT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Brian <bmartin at>
To: 'southern at Ansteorra.ORG' <southern at Ansteorra.ORG>
Date: Monday, July 20, 1998 4:53 PM
Subject: RE: SR - SCA Laws

>obviously the caffiene monster broke through your strong barriers.. we
always knew you to be the power hungry type  ;) just kidding really good
response though..

Lady Annora von Kohler
> SCA laws? LAWS??!! Who needs laws? Do away with them, I say!!
>Anarchy is the only solution!! Total anarchy where the only people with
>real power are the landed nobility!! Yes!! That is the answer to all of
>our problems: total rule by the territorial barons!!! Bwaa haa haaa!!!!
> Pendamaniac
> (Too much coffee, not enough to do...)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Brent & Susan Rachel [SMTP:hbrache at]
>> Sent: Monday, July 20, 1998 4:04 PM
>> To: southern at Ansteorra.ORG
>> Subject: Re: SR - SCA Laws
>> Dennis and Dory Grace wrote:
>> > Salut Cozyns,
>> >
>> > Lyonel aisai.
>> > I've always wondered about this and about the so-called Republic of
>> the
>> > East.  How can their laws require this when Corpora specifically
>> invests
>> > within the Crown the right to legislate at the kingdom level?
>> >
>> As for the East, their Curia MUST be consulted, but not necessarily
>> heeded..,
>> HOWEVER, the King that bucks the "suggestions" of Curia runs the risk
>> of getting
>> vvveeerrrryyy little support for his measures.
>> It is actually the exact same for the Middle.  The Crown of the Middle
>> is
>> empowered to change statute "only after obtainingsage cousel from the
>> Curia
>> Regis...."  So even the Middle Crown is not BOUND, save in matters of
>> finance
>> and making mundane contracts in the name of the Kingdom (when the
>> curia MUST be
>> heeded.., no surprise since the decisions for both actually rest in
>> the hands of
>> Seneschal(e) and Exchequer.., who are in Curia.)
>> Now maybe I'm a geek, but I think the Middle's laws are QUITE well
>> organized. Of
>> course, I have last year's edition which might be the result of a
>> major rewrite
>> since Daniel lived there.  I personally think that Ansteorra's laws a
>> very
>> poorly organized, by comparison.
>> What makes the Curia systems work is the pressure they bring to bear
>> on the
>> Crowns.., all quite period, mind you.  That means that for a Curia
>> (type affair)
>> to work for us WE must be willing to insist that it works.., insist
>> that the
>> Coronet heed the "sage cousel" of his council.
>> As for the signing of the first set of Principality Laws.  Hmmm.  The
>> initial
>> set of laws will be "complete" as a result of the the official polling
>> to
>> determine the success or failure of the whole shebang.  As such, it
>> will be the
>> BoD/SCA Sen/Kingdom Sen who will be laying the Laws down on the desk
>> for initial
>> signature.  I think that it would be a VERY difficult and embarrasing
>> thing for
>> the 1st Coronet to do, NOT to accept them as is.
>> Kazimir
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