SR - synopsis
Elisabeth Zakes
ezakes at
Fri Jun 5 04:11:44 PDT 1998
> I have a kind of unusual suggestion, and I am going to stick my neck
> out, and I will probably get it chopped off, but here goes.
> I think we need someone to have another forum for discussion, one that
> will get to all those people who do not have e-mail. We need someone
> (here is where my neck goes out)to plow through the posts to the list
> and prepare a synopsis, or excerpts of the discussion. This could
> then be edited and copied and sent to people. Posted to the list, so
> that people all over the region could print it, copy it and hand it
> out to people throughout the region. People who are not on the list
> could send in material for inclusion in this newsletter, thereby
> getting a voice in the discussion.
Duncan MacConacher is already working on such a synopsis for my
records, and I'm creating mailing list data for those who want to be on
> Yes, it is a newsletter, but not in the same style as an SCA
> newsletter. If anyone remembers ThinkWell, then they will understand
> what I am thinking of. If not, I may try to create an inaugural issue
> so that everyone can understand the idea.
> The FAQ, as discussed seems to be a more permanent publication.
> Something that is created, and distributed, occasionally updated, but
> not something which reflects the week to week discussion that goes on
> in this forum.
> I do not know if I am up to the job, but I would like to try. I hope
> to have the first copy ready soon.
> Let me know what you think.
> Conor
> carcassonnais at (Put "south" in the subject line)
Conor, let's talk!
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