SR - principalities else where..
carey at
Tue Jun 9 08:27:15 PDT 1998
I thought that some of us might fine this letter interesting..
> Hello, I am Connor mac Clure and I live in Ansteorra (TX.)
> I want to know what a principality is like as we here in the southern
> region are seriously talking about it....history files and others there
> in your area that would like to send me their thoughts, that would be
> great! Thanks....Key Connor
> >Susan Carroll-Clark wrote:
> Greetings!
> First thing, go visit That's our Principality
> web page, and there's a fair number of resources there you can look at,
> including the short history I did for the Kingdom bid, descriptions of our
> awards, and that kind of thing.
> I can tell you a little why we chose that route. I think it was in the back
> of the mind of the first group members up here to someday have a Northern
> Kingdom. Round about 1986 or so, we decided to select a regional
> champion--this is the route Calontir had taken towards becoming a kingdom
> some years before. But things had changed; the Middle Kingdom decided that
> regions could not have champions or even names. This was decided without
> consulting us here in Ealdormere, so we felt crushed. However, two years
> later, we became a Crown Principality (that's a principality in name, but
> without Royalty) and about 2 1/2 years after that, in 1990, we advanced to
> full Principality status. Last January, we were approved to advance to
> Kingdom status, which we will do next October.
> One of the driving reasons why we became a Principality was the size of the
> Middle Kingdom. It's huge. We also thought we had a somewhat different
> culture here (being all Canadians, for one thing, and tending towards lots
> of smaller groups instead of fewer huge groups). We also, as I mentioned,
> wanted to see our own folks as Royalty--the King and Queen were people we
> saw once a reign, if we were lucky, at that point.
> I guess what you need to make a Principality work is the desire to make it
> work. You have to have officers willing to run it and the imagination to
> turn it into what you want it to be (whether that be a permanent
> Principality which never leaves your Kingdom, or its own Kingdom someday).
> Nicolaa de Bracton
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