SR - The Bonwicke/Shadowlands dilemma

Casey&Coni cjw at
Tue Jun 9 08:27:43 PDT 1998

I was perusing Pugs post on this issue and have to admit that I do see some
of the validity there.

I think the obvious issue here for Bryn Gwylad is that there is a definite
sense of being in a catch-22.  Do you a) go to Gothic as planned and be
criticized for not supporting events in your own region, or b) go to
Shadowlands and be criticized for not fulfilling your plans to go to Gothic
War?  Although I do not belong to the Barony of Bryn Gwylad, I do feel a
sense of obligation to go out and support them- I mean I can't deny that I
(and my shire for that matter) reap many benefits from both Bryn Gwylads
artisans coming up and sharing their skills with us as well as all that I
gain from practicing down there on Tuesday nights.  So what to do?

[Dieterich leaps into his Dilemma Man ^tm suit]

Okay, I don't think I can solve this one on a broad level but I will try to
do what I can on a personal level.  I'll contact Kayleigh and Drake and
Gothics autocrat and see if I can host a little afternoon chat... no,
better- a tea!  An *iced* tea!  It can be unofficial and simply for the
benefit of those who are interested in what's going on.  To keep those here
who are upset by the idea of two meetings going on on the same weekend
happy, I'll record no votes nor call for any.  The theme of the iced-tea
will be the discussion (that means 'talk about it' for those who feel
rushed... no 'action') about arms, names, mottoes, and the boundaries that
have already been discussed.  Essentially, I'll print what is already on our
Regional Webpage and use it as both a flyer as well as a discussion guide.
If the West would like to sip iced-tea with me, I'll make enough for all of
us.  I'm going to the regional fighter practice in Shadowlands so I don't
think they'll miss me at their event.

I'll wait til I get a little feedback here before I go ahead with this but
realize that this will be a *personal* effort by *me* at Gothic rather than
a Regional effort.  I do think that we as a region should support

Okay, so gimme the word?  What do y'all think?

Ritter Dieterich

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