SR - Emerald Keep mtg/straw poll results

HseTrinity at HseTrinity at
Tue Jun 9 16:25:47 PDT 1998


I had the opportunity to attend Emerald Keep's populace meeting last evening,
and we discussed several issues.  Although EK is not (currently) a part of the
Southern Region, they are very interested in becoming a part of the yet-to-be-
named Principality.  

The straw poll results are as follows:
18 - For
4  - Against
2  - Undecided/ Abstain

The overall consensus was that they feel that there is a great deal to be
gained, and not much to lose by joining with the principality movement.  

I discussed with them some of their concerns and answered some of the
questions they had regarding the Principality issues.   Once we nail down the
structure of the planning committee, I'm certain that they'll want
representation and have at least one active participant  

~ Suzanne

non sum iniquus
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