SR - A question concerning
jax at
Tue Jun 23 17:08:39 PDT 1998
Lee said:
>I also have a very large problem with how this is being handled as far
>as distribution of information.
My Lord,
By my count there have been exactly two (2) actual, real steps taken
toward forming a principality:
Step One: Encouraging groups to have populace meetings on the subject, as
well as having meetings and straw polls at various events, to help get
the word out to people off the grid, and,
Step Two: (very recent) rumblings of starting a Southern Regional
newsletter, to help get the word to people off the grid.
That's it. As far as your other comments regarding information
distribution, well, with apologies to everyone's illnesses and children,
and other mundane concerns, if you don't go to populace meetings or
fighter practices, or events, and you aren't on the 'net... well, what do
you want? TV commercials? (That sounds *really* smartalecky and mean, and
I don't mean it that way, promise. I just find this idea
hysterical..."The Dating Game is brought to you by Certs, the Fresh
Maker, and by the Southern Region of Ansteorra, who is thinking about
becoming a Principality!")
My point is that, at a certain point, one has to accept a certain
responsibility (AAAIIIGGGHHH!!!) to stay in the loop. There have been no
backroom deals, no secret meetings; we've been shouting this from the
rooftops, and actively seeking ways to shout louder and more effectively.
Sorry if you didn't hear us the first time, but fret not, you haven't
missed much. (See Steps One and Two.)
-Erik Wulfriksson-
Barony of Bryn Gwlad
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