SR - A question concerning
nleemcp at
Tue Jun 23 19:45:53 PDT 1998
Let me start by saying: I am Ansteorran and I love this KINGDOM.
The only reason to form a principality is to work toward forming a new
Kingdom. If all you want to do is form this group for administration
purposes than I guess the whole regional program needs to be stopped.
In a letter it also compared the US and States to the Kingdom and
Principality. The formation of states never had the precedent of
leading to form there own country; however, many principalities have
been formed and become there own kingdoms. This comparison is not
I must say that Crystal(not the Baroness)and Gilli are saying many of
the things that some people are feeling. I have heard there like in
many areas of the Kingdom.
I also have a very large problem with how this is being handled as far
as distribution of information. Many people can not attend populace
meetings and most of the meetings on this subject have been announced
with only a short time before the meeting. These ways of distributing
information and taking votes are also easily biased. I work in medical
research and have seen this happen. I also have a problem with this
being handled on 1)the web in general and not more in the public, I did
not know about these newsgroups until a short time ago and I believe
many people are left without any information, and 2) a special sub list
that I just so happen to come across by accident.
On the subject of polling and groups wanting to join this principality.
There are some groups that are not being listened to who do not wish to
seperate such as La Marche Sauvage. What if you were suddenly told that
you were annexed by Mexico and no longer part of the US. (Remember that
the only reason to form a principality is to eventually form a new
I thank you for you time,
Jason MacPherson
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