SR - Re-Motivation

Bob Dewart gilli at
Fri Jun 26 10:59:50 PDT 1998


I have a few thoughts on awards and motinations I'd like to share.

There's a catch 22 with awards.  Did he get the award because he did the
work or did he do the work to get the award?  There's another question that
sometimes follows this and that is, "Not  that he has the award is he going
to keep doing the work?"

Awards are given for past performance and in no way garrentee future
performance.  This is true for all awards from AoA to King (not an award but
I hope you get my point and I don't have to explain it)  Some where along
the way, the person impressed someone enough to make the effort to recommend
that person for an award.  At that point (unless it's one of the polled
awards) there is only three peoples opinions that count: the person that
made the recommendation and the King and Queen.  As long as They agree with
recommendation, that's good enough for me and should be for any one else

There are somethings we do other people just can't help but watch; like the
fighting, archery, etc....and others only the end results are seen, like
painting a scroll.  There are other  things that you'll never notice unless
it's not done, like putting paper in the bathrooms.  I see nothing wrong
with every one getting what they deserve.  Of course getting what they
deserve is a judgemental call based on quality and quantity.

Doing the work becasue they want an award is not a bad thing.  And is done
all the time weather the folks know it or not.  You can not become a Knight
unless you have done those required things.  You can not become a Laurel
without doing the required things.  You can not become a Pelican until you
do those things that are required.  And the lists of awards you can not get
till you do something or a combination of things continues.

I think it is terribly wrong to allow some one to do work, knowing the only
reason they are doing the work is to get an award, then disregard their
efforts.  I think that is bad business.


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