SR - committee concept clarification
carey at
Tue Jun 9 13:09:26 PDT 1998
I have only one question.. do you right stuff like this for a living..
VERY WELL where does a 1300 centruy scotsman fit in to the
picture...not know heraldry terms but would like to help?????
Key Connor
Timothy A. McDaniel wrote:
> Let me suggest a split. The main committee (the Poliburo,
> say) would deal with all issues and questions pertaining to
> establishing a principality: laws, borders, heraldry, et
> cetera. It would facilitate discussion and decision on all
> issues and deal with communications internal and external.
> There would be a Heraldic Education and Research Committee.
> (Just because it has a cool acronym. "College of Heralds"
> is a period term, but has Connotations of Authority in the
> SCA. Star Principal Herald would probably shit a brick and
> then throw it at me.) My draft rules are below, most of
> them dead obvious. [Explanatory comments are in brackets.]
> 0. The purpose of the HERC is to assist possible
> principality efforts by work relating to SCA heraldry,
> including but not limited to names, arms, mottos,
> achievements of arms (crest, supporters, compartments,
> mantling, livery, helms, etc.), ensigns, awards, orders,
> titles, heraldic titles, ranks, badges, et cetera.
> 1. The HERC shall collate heraldic ideas from any sources.
> It shall establish procedures for nomination for
> consideration. [Note: no guarantees that we'll look at
> *everything*.]
> 2. The HERC shall research suggestions. Issues considered
> should include period style, SCA registerability,
> pronunciation and spelling, culture and period, and
> heraldic depiction. The research should conform to the
> goals and norms of SCA heraldic consultation, dealing
> fairly with facts and reasoned opinions based on facts.
> [Note: there may be the occasional snarky comment, but
> that should be filtered out before publication. My
> intent is that the result should be data and conclusions
> to allow decision makers to make informed decisions.]
> 3. The HERC shall make its results widely available to the
> main committee and to the populace at large by paper and
> electronic means. It should archive its discussions.
> 4. The HERC shall assist the main committee in wording
> preliminary polls and ballots based on the research.
> [Note: for example, providing summaries of the research
> as appropriate for a ballot.]
> 5. The HERC may organize itself and acquire such members and
> helpers as it sees fit, and may make decisions and
> establish procedures by consensus.
> 6. The main committee shall give all proposals and work
> items with heraldic implications (see item 0) to the HERC
> with enough time for the HERC to evaluate them. The HERC
> reserves the right to scream loudly if someone does an
> end-around them or blindsides them with respect to a
> heraldic proposal. The main committee may reserve the
> right to scream loudly if it finds its requests are being
> delayed or deep-sixed.
> Daniel de Lincolia
> --
> Tim McDaniel (home); Reply-To: tmcd at;
> if that fail, tmcd at is my work address.
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