SR - Principality????
j'lynn yeates
jyeates at
Mon Jun 22 23:39:25 PDT 1998
On 22 Jun 98, at 22:14, Lee wrote:
> I do not believe that anyone has given a good answer to Gilli's
> question. I'm sorry Dieter but not one of those reasons you gave was
> worth breaking up our great KINGDOM. Adversity makes all of us stronger.
> If everyone thought exactly the same way, we would not be the great people
> and KINGDOM that we have become.
but this great KINGDOM would have never come into being if there was not a
Principality that at one time broke off of another existing great KINGDOM ... and grew
and matured until in time it became the great KINGDOM that you know.
at one point it was felt that there was a regional identity that was unique from the
whole, and those that made up that regional identity came to feel that the existing
political structure did not adequately serve that new identity so they utilized a process
that was built into the society to address these growth and change issues.
it is time for the old to birth a new entity ... it's not a *if* it will happen, but a *when* ...
have watched these previous pushes toward principality over the years - each time
they become stronger and better organized more voices ask for the new entity, the
positive reason become stronger, the negative fewer and weaker ... in time it will
happen, and it will happen soon ... the seeds have been sown and there are too many
political and social forces that are driving the changes to expect them to stop or
... change is life, life is change
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