SR - A Question Concern
Bob Dewart
gilli at
Tue Jun 23 18:17:07 PDT 1998
I agree that for the most part the work load will be about the same; unless
it comes to pass that two regions merge to form the prinicpality. However,
there are three areas that will get a work out. 1) Principality Chronicler
will have to produce a principlaity newsletter which will not be support by
the Blackstar (it can bearly support itself). 2) Heralds will have to come
up with awards, insignia and scrolls, and 3) the scribes and artisans who
must make these scrolls and insignia while still supporting the Kingdom as a
It has been said that the works will come out of the wood work to support
the principality. OK let's see. I proposs a test that will not only see if
this assumption is true but also help the Kingdom. At Kingdom Warlord there
will be an A & S competion based on award insignia. Let's see just how many
insignia and people will participate.
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Brian <bmartin at>
To: 'southern at Ansteorra.ORG' <southern at Ansteorra.ORG>
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 1998 11:42 AM
Subject: RE: SR - A Question Concern
> Crystal Sez:.
>> Exactly so - if the southern region is in a growth phase now, that is
>> fine and
>> I think that they should do everything possible to make themselves as
>> strong
>> as possible. But I don't think a growth phase is the time to make a
>> change
>> like this.
>> As you say - "all groups go through lulls" - what happens when the
>> Southern
>> region goes through another lull. If you become a principality - you
>> will have
>> a created a lot more work, based on the "fertile" times. What will
>> happen to
>> the work in the "lull" times. Just because everyone is excited now
>> doesn't
>> mean that the excitement will continue once the "newness" of the idea
>> has warn
>> off and the real WORK begins.
>> Crystal
> [Martin, Brian] Well, I don't think that there will be all that
>much extra work created. The regional officer's positions would be the
>same as the principality officer positions. As far as that's concerned,
>its really a matter of semantics.
> Still, I agree that we shouldn't be petitioning to become a
>principality this very minute. These things take time and we have some
>region building to do.
> Pendaran
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