SR - Fw: Lack of Comunication

Randy Wrinkle WRINKLE at
Wed Jun 24 07:41:45 PDT 1998

Easy are opening a can of worms.  We were at the Southern Regional
Fighter Practice and never heard a word about the Principality issue. (We did hear
complaining that we were not in garb in 104 degree heat)  I have said it many many
times...we live 1 hour from the nearest group.  We have contacted Tempio several
times and have never been made to feel welcome there.  So we do not play within a
group.  This does not mean we choose to not be involved.  We are paid members.  We
get the Blackstar.  I simple section in the notes in challenges could have been
posted and I would have seen it.  I have been the Seneschal for Shadowlands before
and a simple phone call from their group would have sufficed.  They get my
membership in their count....I know I am on their list.    Meghann MacGuire

Tim Lozos wrote:

> Greetings!
> Keyna said....
> >Well first of all Middleford hasn't said anything about volunteering about
> doing things for the Principality because no one said anything to us about
> it. No one has contacted the Seneschal about anything.
> Uhh, if no one contacted you then why do you say....
> > No one has contacted me about anything until Kief called me and said that
> there was a meeting at Tempio's event.
> That sounds like contact to me. BTW Tempio (April 4th) was the first big
> hash-it-out event where this issue was discussed. So it sounds like you've
> been in since the beginning.
> > And we did not have a populas pole as to whether we were for or against
> the principality.
> Why not? Who stopped you? We've had three populace meetings in Raven's Fort
> over the past three months with *extensive* principality talk.
>  I had just mentioned it to Baroness Suzanne at an Emerald Keep populas that
> Middleford wasn't sure because as I said earlier lack of comunication This
> is really looking sour on our part. How are we suppose to do things when
> nothing is sent or told to us???????
> >HL Keyna Morgan Oulton
> >Middleford Seneschal
> If you choose not to go to the event meetings, then you choose to be left out.
> Timo
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