SR - regional newsletter
Dennis and Dory Grace
amazing at
Wed Jun 24 08:38:40 PDT 1998
Hi all, Aquilanne here.
OK you guys. We've only been talking about principality possibilities for a
few weeks. We had only been talking about it a few weeks when people
started saying we needed something like a regional newsletter to get info
out. It's been said before, I'll say it again: *these things take time.*
Most of us have real life we have to deal with when we're not playing SCA
(even us self-employed artists, believe it or not ;->).
Well, now it would seem we've gotten together enough donations to put
together a preliminary issue of a regional newsletter. After having talked
with Baroness Crystal and Sir Kief and a few other folk, I've decided that
rather than try to channel all this through traditional SCA routes and the
Kingdom account and all the attendant red tape, I'm going to put the
regional newsletter out as an independent venture. I will have that
information listed in every copy. Since I'm trying to get this out in as
cost-effective a way as possible, and since my hope is to get a copy to
everyone who has any interest at all whether they're paid members at this
time or not, my idea is that copies of the first issue will be bundled and
sent out to each SR group's seneschal or chronicler and they in turn can
distribute them amongst their populace in whatever manner they see fit.
Anyone interested in subscribing to the newsletter can receive subsequent
copies directly through the mail. I'll look into what I can do for an
online copy as well.
At this point I'm looking at including info on regional events, a calandar
(I'll take the kingdom calandar and list all regional and any local events
within the region that want to be listed, so that people can get an overall
view of what's going on regionally and how that fits into the kingdom scene
as well). I've contacted Aethelyan and asked for a synopsis of the
principality discussion meetings, the questions asked, the poll numbers and
the groups represented and intend to include that as well. I'm looking into
including the FAQ as well.
I can say right now that judging from the rampant discourse going back and
forth on this one list that there's no way I'll be able to include
letters/comments from individuals; it would end up the size of a Pynchon
novel. At this point, I think it most important that folks just have access
to information about what's being talked about and what's going on.
Public statment here (and I'll include this statement in the newsletter): I
do *not* intend to use this newsletter as a forum for my opinions or as a
tool to promote a pro-principality agenda. I do intend to include info on
regional name suggestions; I would like to see us as a region have a name
of our own choosing as opposed to the lovely, generic, uninspiring
"southern region." I haven't decided yet whether I should include the
heraldry suggestions that have been put up on the SR page. On the one hand,
there's always the chance that some folks would perceive such an inclusion
as promoting a pro-principality agenda. On the other hand, is *is*
something that the SR is talking about, and it is info that's up on the SR
page for anyone with web access to look at. I'm open to input and
suggestions on this issue.
That's about it for now. I don't have a publication date in mind yet, as a
bunch of stuff is going on for me right now. I'm thinking about sometime
within the next month. Anyone feel free to email me with any questions,
concerns, or suggestions they might have.
And I'm thinking about calling it the Lion's Tale. Anyway of finding out if
that's in use anywhere else, Daniel?
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