SR - regional newsletter ... some thoughts and suggestions
j'lynn yeates
jyeates at
Wed Jun 24 09:26:20 PDT 1998
On 24 Jun 98, at 10:38, Dennis and Dory Grace wrote:
> ... Since I'm trying to get this out in as
> cost-effective a way as possible, and since my hope is to get a copy to
> everyone who has any interest at all whether they're paid members at this
> time or not, my idea is that copies of the first issue will be bundled and
> sent out to each SR group's seneschal or chronicler and they in turn can
> distribute them amongst their populace in whatever manner they see fit.
> Anyone interested in subscribing to the newsletter can receive subsequent
> copies directly through the mail. I'll look into what I can do for an
> online copy as well.
strongly suggest a online copy in addition to the "dead-tree" version (g) as a good way
to keep the costs down ... as long as it is primarily text based, *anyone* who has
access to these lists can access it. from my perspective, electronic format is a lot
more immediate and useful in my world ... and a *lot* easier to pass around to my
associates (about a dozen old-guard types who do not subscribe to the lists or
periodicals / newsletters anylonger, but who might be intetested in matters).
one tactic i've used in doing newsletters in the past is exactly what you suggest ...
bundle them to a central distribution point and let that point / person pass them out ...
but then give the recipients the option of directly subscribing for direct delivery.
additional suggestion. set up a donation collection point and publicise it in the
newsletter ... and print a list of the donations with appropriate "thank you's" ... tends to
encourage others to contribute. or, how about having the newsletter "host" a bardic or
drum circle at the camping events - with a appropriate donation / suggestion /
comment jar ??? ... and encourage those central points above to make them available
at the local weekly / monthly fighter practices / guild meetings, etc ... the places that
the populace tends to gather
cover all these bases and i can't see how anyone involved can have any reason for
claiming they are being "left out" of the discussions ... unless they choose to exclude
themselves from them.
... When we hunt, we all function with one mind
... - Boingo, Pedestrian Wolves
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